Label Address Port Weight Mode Status Options
Edit Configuration
Configuration Settings
Port Listen on this port
Proxy Protocol Proxy protocol preserves initial TCP connection information. Consult the Proxy Protocol guide for information on the differences between each option.
Algorithm Roundrobin assigns connections to each backend sequentially. Least connections choose the backend with the least number of current connections. Source uses the client's IPv4 address
Session Stickiness Route subsequent requests from a client to the same backend
SSL Settings
Common Name Need help with SSL? - NodeBalancer Reference Guide
SSL Cipher Suite Select 'recommended' to use only strong encryption. Select 'legacy' to enable weak encryption that supports older browsers. You really want to select 'recommended'. NodeBalancer Reference Guide
Replace Certificate
SSL Certificate
Private Key
Active Health Check
Health Check Type Active health checks proactively check the health of the backend nodes. 'TCP Connection' requires a successful TCP handshake. 'HTTP Valid Status' requires a 2xx or 3xx response from the backend node. 'HTTP Body Regex' uses a regex to match against an expected result body.
Check Interval Seconds between health check probes
Check Timeout Seconds to wait before considering the probe a failure. 1-30. Must be less than check interval.
Check Attempts Number of failed probes before taking a node out of rotation. 1-30
Check HTTP Path When check=http, the path to request
Expected HTTP Body When check=http, a regex to match within the first 16KB of the response body
Passive Checks
Enabled Enable passive checks based on observing communication with backend nodes.