Lassie setting saved.

Alert settings saved.

Display Settings
Linode Label Rename your Linode
Tags (comma-separated) Group Linodes together on the Linodes tab using tags!
Shutdown Watchdog
Description Lassie is a Shutdown Watchdog that monitors your Linode and will reboot it if it powers off unexpectedly. It works by issuing a boot job when your Linode powers off without a shutdown job being responsible.
To prevent a boot loop, Lassie will give up if there have been more than 5 boot jobs issued within 15 minutes.
Lassie is currently
Email Alert Thresholds
Description When an alert threshold is reached, an email is sent to all users that have "read" permissions on this Linode.
Thresholds are compared to values once per hour, 15 minutes after the hour.
CPU Usage | % Average CPU usage over 2 hours exceeding this value triggers this alert.
Disk IO Rate | IO Ops/sec Average Disk IO ops/sec over 2 hours exceeding this value triggers this alert.
Incoming Traffic | Mbit/s Average incoming traffic over a 2 hour period exceeding this value triggers this alert.
Outbound Traffic | Mbit/s Average outbound traffic over a 2 hour period exceeding this value triggers this alert.
Transfer Quota | % Percentage of network transfer quota used being greater than this value will trigger this alert.